Wanted Individuals
The individuals pictured below are wanted by the Laurens County Sheriff's Office on various General Sessions bench warrants.
-Rodriquez Dakim Taylor, DOB: 5/10/1992:
Assault & Battery by Mob 2nd Degree
Domestic Violence of a high and aggravated nature
Domestic Violence 2nd Degree
Burglary 1st Degree
Pointing & Presenting firearms at a person
Poss. Weapon during violent crime
Criminal Conspiracy
-Jeffrey Paul Krahn, DOB: 9/26/1983
2x Failure to Stop for blue light 1st offense
Manuf., poss. of other sub in Sch I,II,III or flunitrazepam or analogue w.i.t.d. 1st offense
Domestic Violence 2nd Degree
Resisting Arrest
Possession of less than one gram of meth or cocaine base 1st offense
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of either subject, contact the Laurens County Sheriff's Office (864-984-4967) or report anonymously to CrimeStoppers (864-68-CRIME). Reminder that Crimestopper tips leading to an arrest can result in receiving a reward.