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Three Arrested After Home Burglary

On September 18th, deputies responded to Highway 418 in Fountain Inn in reference to a burglary that had already occurred. When the victim woke up, she realized her home and property had been burglarized while she slept, with several items stolen to include iPads and a tractor.

Deputies were able to track the stolen iPads to an address on Golf Lane in Fountain Inn. Upon arrival, a stolen vehicle was located at the residence, with an iPad inside the vehicle in plain view. A search warrant was obtained and as a result, three iPad’s stolen from the residence on Highway 418 were recovered. The stolen tractor was recovered at a separate location, along with various other items removed from the home.

The individuals below were arrested and charged as follows:

Chase Edward Zucchi of Greenville- Burglary 1st Degree, Petit Larceny ($2,000 or less), Larceny/Breaking into Motor Vehicle, Grand Larceny ($10,000 or more), Criminal Conspiracy, and Possession of Stolen Vehicle.

Shyann Nicole Luster of Fountain Inn- Burglary 1st Degree, Petit Larceny ($2,000 or less), Larceny/Breaking into Motor Vehicle, Grand Larceny ($10,000 or more), and Criminal Conspiracy.


On this same date, investigators located a tow truck that had been stolen out of Spartanburg County. A third subject associated with the Highway 418 burglary had been in possession of this vehicle.

Prior to this incident, multiple items were located on Meadowland Drive in Fountain Inn that had been stolen out of Greenville County to include a golf cart, dirt bikes, and various tools. This incident is also related to this third subject.

Joseph Edward Kinsel of Fountain Inn was located and arrested in Oregon on Saturday, September 30th. He will be extradited back to Laurens County and charged as follows: Burglary 1st Degree, Petit Larceny ($2,000 or less), Larceny/Breaking into Motor Vehicle, Grand Larceny ($10,000 or more), Criminal Conspiracy, and Possession of Stolen Property. Kinsel also had two existing bench warrants for Resisting Arrest and Threatening Life of Public Official.

More charges are pending.

"These arrests are due to the dedicated work by the deputies and investigators of the Laurens County Sheriff's Office. These thugs dedicate their lives to victimizing hard working citizens. We hope the courts will hold them accountable." - Sheriff Don Reynolds


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