Visitation and Canteen Info
Visitation Hours are 8:00 AM-10:30 AM and 1:00 PM-3:30 PM
Video Visitation is available offsite as well as onsite. All visits will be monitored and recorded.
Visitation must be set up at least 24 hours in advance for either off-site or onsite visits.
You can set up a video visit by contacting Combine Public Communication at 1-877-570-4268. You can also download the app "Inmate Sales", or visit www.cpcjail.com.
You must have either a smartphone or a personal computer with video capability to have an off-site visit.
Video Visitation can also take place onsite by setting up a visit on any kiosk located at the Detention Center.
Visitation must take place during Rec time. Inmate must not be on disciplinary and those listed as victim are not allowed to visit.
For canteen accounts, the Detention Center uses McDaniel Supply. www.mcdanielsupplyco.net or www.jailpackstore.com. You can also contact McDaniel’s Supply at 912-427-9022.
Canteen is delivered twice a week on Monday and Thursdays.
Other methods: deposit funds using the kiosk machine in the detention center lobby or send in a money order with the inmate’s name on it.
Please remember that inmates can only receive post cards, no letters in envelopes or packages.
Our mailing address is:
Inmates Name
Laurens County Detention Center
Po Box 329
Laurens, SC 29360
For questions you may ask the Visitation office at 864-683-4785.